Help Us Fund What's Cool in School!

A Twelfth of a Teaspoon
A twelfth of a teaspoon is the average amount of honey made by a bumble bee in a lifetime. How then do Americans consume 157 million pounds of honey in a single year? The answer: A LOT of bees!
HIVE 365 is your opportunity to provide an exceptional experience and future for our children in Coronado. By investing $1 per day per student, parents and community members create and foster an exciting school experience where students can learn and thrive. This investment allows teachers to have the tools they need to create impactful educational opportunities which otherwise would not be possible.
We ask parents to donate to the level your family can afford. The recommended donation is $365 per year (per child), payable in a single payment or year-round monthly installments. Join the Hive! and donate now at
Why Do We Give?

Since Prop 13 was passed, property taxes in almost all jurisdictions including Coronado do not stay within the community. Instead, all property taxes are allocated on a fair-share basis to cities and counties across the state. So, Coronado receives no more than other communities and in fact, often less funding, since the demographics of our students do not provide much in additional funding (like Title 1 funds) except for our military dependents.
As a result, our schools receive the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) funding per student and little additional public funding to operate the schools. When your child misses a day of school for any reason, our schools do not receive funding (about $50/day).
What Does CSF Fund?

Bee the Change!
HIVE 365 is a powerful commitment to funding critical resources in our schools for which there is simply no other funding. Coronado Unified schools are the “crown jewels” in our city. Many parents continue to donate long after their children have graduated as well as neighbors, grandparents and alumni. It takes a village to maintain the top-rated public comprehensive school district in San Diego County. Support of the greater community is vital to the continued success of our students while enrolled at our schools and after graduation.Together, we can Bee the Change! that ensures Coronado schools continue to offer a vibrant, cutting-edge curriculum to all students. Join the Hive! Donate now at and BEE a part of our buzzing hive of engaged community members who give at least $1/day per child annually.
Business Partners in Education
Coronado Schools Foundation is fortunate to have more than 100 local businesses that support our schools and our students. We are so grateful for our business partners as their generosity ensures that our children continue to receive a top-notch, cutting edge education that otherwise would not be available to them. Because of their support, our schools continue to be among the highest performing in the county. Thank you to the 100+ local businesses for their support of Coronado's school and students!